Celebrating 40 Years of the Regional Climate Center Program
The Regional Climate Center (RCC) Program was formed in 1983 in response to the National Climate Program Act of 1978, which recognized the need for accurate, localized climate information to support government decision-makers and other stakeholders. This came on the heels of the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA), and its successor agency NOAA, and a growing interest in applied climatology owing to factors such as the globalization of the agricultural economy and the impacts of major climate events around the world.
Read A Brief History of the RCC Program.

40th Anniversary Timeline
The following timeline lists key events in SERCC’s history in relation to the 40th anniversary of the Regional Climate Center Program. We cannot wait to see what the next 40 years will bring!
Program Highlights

40 Years of Climate Services
Since its inception in 1983, NOAA’s Regional Climate Center (RCC) Program has been providing timely, customized climate services for decision making across all climate-sensitive sectors.

Partnerships in Action
How partnerships have led to innovative climate services for the various sectors of the U.S. economy.

Data for Decisions – ACIS
The Applied Climate Information System (ACIS), which simplifies climate data management, delivery, and analysis, is the backbone of numerous products and services that the RCC Program provides.

Climate Services in Action
How climate services provided by the RCCs impact and inform real world decision-making.