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The 2006–08 Southeastern United States drought was a crippling drought that struck the southeast of the U.S. Several reasons, including an unusually strong Bermuda high pressure and La Niña in the eastern Pacific Ocean, which causes dry conditions across the southern U.S., were responsible for the drought. 2007 was particularly dry across the region, with rivers and lakes dropping to record-low levels and in some areas.

The below links provide information on agricultural Weather in the Southeast. Crops in much of the Southeast struggled during 2007 due to significant drought throughout the region.

North Carolina Peanut Farm

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla auctor est nulla, sit amet lobortis risus venenatis tempor. Aenean consequat euismod arcu, vel viverra sapien. Nulla id dictum sem. Etiam consequat diam ac dui vehicula, malesuada tincidunt felis condimentum. Integer fermentum quam tortor, interdum pellentesque velit scelerisque vulputate.

Maecenas at nisi luctus, euismod nulla ut, dictum risus. Sed quis nisl eu diam egestas tincidunt. Suspendisse sollicitudin venenatis sem, euismod cursus enim. Nullam sit amet nulla lobortis, ultrices sem eu, mollis metus. Cras eu massa in mauris convallis laoreet vitae et ex.